Metric Unit Unit Conversion
Atmosphere atm
Bar bar
Mbar mbar
kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2
Dyne per square centimeter dyne/cm2
base Unit Unit Unit Conversion
Pascal Pa
Newton per square meter N/m2
Hecto Pascal hPa
Kilo Pascal kPa
Mega Pascal MPa
유도단위 Unit Unit Conversion
水柱 millimeter mm H_2O (= mm Aq)
水柱 inch in H_2O (= in Aq)
水銀柱 millimeter mm Hg (= Torr)
水銀柱inch in Hg
Pound per Squire Inch PSI (= lb/in2)
All of our product pressure units are listed in PSI.
If you are familiar with other units such as bar, kgf/㎠, etc., we hope it will be helpful to calculate the pressure using the unit conversion machine above.

PSI bar kgf/㎠ MPa
11,500 792 808 79
20,000 1,378 1,406 138
30,000 2,068 2,109 207
60,000 4,136 4,218 414
100,000 6,894 7,030 689
150,000 10,342 10,546 1,034

All our products are for high pressure.